Saturday, October 1, 2011

Intelligent Technologies in Library and Information Service Applications.

Intelligent Technologies in Library and Information Service Applications. Lancaster, F W, and Warner, Amy Intelligent technologies in libraryand information service applications. ASIST ASISTCardiology A clinical trial–Atenolol Silent Ischemia Study that evaluated the effect of atenolol on M&M in Pts with CAD and/or silent myocardial ischemia. See Atenolol, Coronary artery disease, Silent ischemia. monograph series. Medford,NJ: Information Today for the American Society for Information Scienceand Technology, 2001. 214p US$39.50 (US$31.60 ASIST members) hard ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m1573871036 ALTHOUGH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IS A RELATIVELY NEW FIELD, ithas already accumulated an enormous literature, with several journalsdevoted exclusively to the subject. Additionally, AI-relatedtechnologies have been applied, at least experimentally, to virtuallyall disciplines and fields of endeavour. Even within just library andinformation service, a substantial literature exists and a wide varietyof applications has been described. Librarians have been experimentingwith artificial intelligence and expert systems for thirty years, butthere has been no comprehensive survey of the results available untilnow. In this expertly-researched monograph the authors report on theapplications of AI technologies in library and information services See Information Systems. ,assessing their effectiveness, reviewing the relevant literature, andoffering a concise forecast of its future use and impact. The object of the study in this book is to gain enough familiaritywith developments in AI and related technologies to be able to advisethe information service community on what can be applied today and whatone might reasonably expect to be applicable in the near future. Withthis objective in mind the emphasis of the book is on systems that areactually operational now, systems that have been incorporated into aneveryday working situation rather than those that are at experimental orprototype stages. Each of the six chapters begins with an exceptionally clearintroduction establishing not only what will be included in the chapterbut in what order and to what extent. The introduction also explainswhat has been excluded from consideration in the chapter and for whatreason. Chapter content is well paced and not cluttered nor verbose Wordy; long winded. The term is often used as a switch to display the status of some operation. For example, a /v might mean "verbose mode." .There is excellent use of bold subheadings and italics for effect anddirection. There are five appendices, providing samples of forms andletters used and of suggested criteria for deciding when an expertsystem approach may be justified. The list of figures includesbibliographical references which prove to be very helpful. A book of broad appeal; it is ideal for all library and informationprofessionals and students, and it is also of considerable interest totechnologists, developers and users of AI and expert systems softwareand hardware in library and reformation services. This is a verycost-effective means of becoming up to date and gaining an insight intothis vast area. Deborah A Cronau, Christian Heritage Christian Heritage can refer to: The Christian Heritage Party of Canada, a political party. Christian Heritage New Zealand, a defunct New Zealand political party. Christian Heritage School, the name of several different private schools in the United States. College

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