Sunday, October 9, 2011

Houghton Mifflin.

Houghton Mifflin. Houghton Mifflin 215 Park Avenue South, New York NY 10003 Don Brown's A WIZARD FROM THE START: THE INCREDIBLE BOYHOOD& AMAZING INVENTIONS OF THOMAS EDISON (9780547194875, $17.00) tellsof a boy with a thirst for knowledge and mischief--who turns his energyinto skills and knowledge that resulted in dozens of new inventions.Over a thousand patents later, he was having fun inventing all kinds ofthings--a hobby that led to his fame and career. This biography readslike fiction and offers fine color drawings throughout. SyMontgomery's KAKAPO RESCUE: SAVING THE WORLD'S STRANGESTPARROT (9780618494170, $18.00) pairs fine color photos by Nic Bishopwith a natural history that will attract both grades 4-5 and many anadult reader. It follows the author and illustrator on a 10-dayexcursion to witness the events in the life of the endangered kakapo ona remote New Zealand island, and provides a lively coverage kids willfind engrossing.

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