Saturday, October 1, 2011

Inside-out: a look at the MTNA Assessment Tools for the Independent Music Teacher.

Inside-out: a look at the MTNA Assessment Tools for the Independent Music Teacher. In preparation for the IMT IMT, See inspiratory muscle training. Forum meeting held during the 2005Conference, and because it also provided certification renewal points, Irecently decided to take the Assessment Tools for the Independent MusicTeacher in hand and evaluate it by actually DOING it? The experience hastaught me much more than I anticipated, and I encourage members to takeadvantage of this tool with eyes wide open This article contains links, text or other information that has been inserted due to a business arrangement by the Wikimedia Foundation rather than the usual Wikipedia editing process. It may or may not comply with all of Wikipedia's normal editorial standards. to the great insights it willprovide, as well as the pain that accompanies a request for critique. The Assessment Tools are designed to aid studio teachers withassessing the many aspects of their work through a three-partevaluation: * Self-Assessment * Peer Assessment * Client Assessment College faculty members are very familiar with the process of beingevaluated by their students, as routine evaluation is required. Those ofus who have played in juries or competitions open ourselves up toevaluation and, in fact, desire the insight these experiences provide.However, independent music teachers rarely receive detailed evaluationsof their work and, consequently, are limited to their own perspective ofthe effectiveness of their studios. The purpose of evaluating our teaching is straightforward; that byassessing it, we may improve it. It is an "inside-out"approach; a process that requires inspection, honesty HonestySee also Righteousness, Virtuousness.Alethiaancient Greek personification of truth. [Gk. Myth.: Zimmerman, 18]Better Business Bureaunationwide system of organizations investigating dishonest business practices. [Am. and courage. As wescrutinize scru��ti��nize?tr.v. scru��ti��nized, scru��ti��niz��ing, scru��ti��niz��esTo examine or observe with great care; inspect critically.scru our philosophies, practices, even our deepest feelings aboutteaching, we realize that change comes from the inside-out. Only when wesincerely desire to enact a change, realizing the need and the potentialfor growth, can it actually occur. As Wayne Dyer states, "Changethe way you look at things, and the things you look at change."Through careful evaluation, we will see areas that need improvement,updating, revamping and even amputating. It is our way of keepingcurrent and it is a necessity in our changing world. My experience with the Assessment Tools was eye opening! I startedwith the "Self-Assessment" section and found myself seriouslypondering pon��der?v. pon��dered, pon��der��ing, pon�� weigh in the mind with thoroughness and care.v.intr.To reflect or consider with thoroughness and care. each question, making notes as ideas for improvements andchanges flooded my thoughts. It was exciting and revealing and whilethere were many areas I hoped to improve, there were many more placeswhere I felt pleased and encouraged. Step two, the "Peer Assessment" section was a kind andencouraging experience. As my friend and colleague reviewed my studiopractices and teaching methods, a lively and open flow of ideas ensued,filling me with an increased sense of satisfaction and love for ourprofession and those involved with it. As one schooled in the art ofteaching, her comments and suggestions were valuable and helpful to me. The third step was to distribute the "Client Assessment"forms to parents. I did so, realizing I was asking for their input, evencriticism, and I encouraged them to be open with me and to return theforms anonymously if they desired. I have prided myself on the qualityof my students and consider most of them lifelong friends. Casualtieshave been few and misunderstandings rare. The forms came back. With thescale rating being "1-Needs Improvement and 5-Satisfactory," Iscanned the results, relieved to see a vast majority of 5s. Then, Ibegan to scrutinize the less than perfect scores, wondering who it wasthat felt that way and why? In the next few days I obsessed ob��sess?v. ob��sessed, ob��sess��ing, ob��sess�� preoccupy the mind of excessively.v.intr. over thosescores, forgetting that in the "Self-Assessment" I had beenmuch harder on myself, always seeing room for improvement, awardingmyself very few 5s and feeling fine about it. My pride was hurt and that led to another level of introspection introspection/in��tro��spec��tion/ (in?trah-spek��shun) contemplation or observation of one's own thoughts and feelings; self-analysis.introspec��tive in��tro��spec��tionn. .It is most important to realize that some who are completing the"Client Assessment" form have no understanding of the finepoints of teaching or music. Generally, they approach it emotionallyrather than intellectually, and may find your style too strict or not"fun" enough, depending on their backgrounds. I was verydiscouraged dis��cour��age?tr.v. dis��cour��aged, dis��cour��ag��ing, dis��cour��ag��es1. To deprive of confidence, hope, or spirit.2. To hamper by discouraging; deter.3. until the moment I realized that I was the best judge of howI was doing ... the inside-out concept again! The "ClientAssessment" gave me feedback, but my own assessment gave meinsight! It is a well-known management maxim that "If you keep doingwhat you are doing, you will keep getting what you are getting." Ifwe desire to upgrade or improve our teaching, the Assessment Toolsprovide a valuable way to monitor how and where. When we challengeourselves to grow inside, it enables us to give more to our students andour profession. BONUS BYTE The MTNA MTNA Music Teachers National AssociationMTNA Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (McMinnville, Tennessee)Assessment Tools can be found in the August/September 2004American Music Teacher, or it may be purchased from MTNA by calling(888) 512-5278 or on the MTNA website at Geri Cheney, NCTM NCTM National Council of Teachers of MathematicsNCTM Nationally Certified Teacher of MusicNCTM North Carolina Transportation MuseumNCTM National Capital Trolley MuseumNCTM Nationally Certified in Therapeutic Massage , is an independent music teacher, activeadjudicator ad��ju��di��cate?v. ad��ju��di��cat��ed, ad��ju��di��cat��ing, ad��ju��di�� To hear and settle (a case) by judicial procedure.2. , lecturer and church choir choir[O.Fr.]1 A group of singers; traditionally the chorus organized to sing in a church. Usually, Roman Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran choirs are composed of men and boys, but occasionally in these churches and customarily in other Protestant director. She is past presidentof the Utah MTA (1) (Message Transfer Agent or Mail Transfer Agent) The store and forward part of a messaging system. See messaging system.(2) See M Technology Association. 1. (messaging) MTA - Message Transfer Agent. , immediate past president of the Southwest Division andis currently a member of the MTNA Board of Directors.

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