Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's Great to Be A Ghost!

It's Great to Be A Ghost! It's Great To Be A Ghost! Lynn B. Schiffhorst Trafford Publishing Trafford Publishing is a self-publishing and print on demand publishing company based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.The company was founded in 1995 and is privately owned. 2333 Government Street, Suite 6E, Victoria, BC, Canada, V8T 4P4 1412039991 $13.00 1-888-232-4444 Giggle is a nine-year-old ghost who works magic, plays tricks, rescues animals, and even goes to the moon! She is also friends with two humans, Rusty and Lenore, as well as a six-year-old wind from the North Pole named Gusty gust��y?adj. gust��i��er, gust��i��est1. Blowing in or marked by gusts: a gusty storm.2. Characterized by sudden outbursts. . Giggle also has some grown-up grown-up?adj.1. Of, characteristic of, or intended for adults: grown-up movies; a grown-up discussion.2. neighbors that include a piccolo-playing ghost, a wise ghost from the synagogue, and a motherly moth��er��ly?adj.1. Of, like, or appropriate to a mother: motherly love.2. Showing the affection of a mother.adv.In a manner befitting a mother. lady skeleton. Giggle and her family are happy spirits who live in the bell tower of Father Boyle's church. Illustrated with b/w cartoon drawings, the nine short stories comprising It's Great To Be A Ghost! is an especially recommended and totally fun reader for children grades 3 through 6.

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