Wednesday, September 28, 2011

It's all your business: how much life insurance? (Professional Resources).

It's all your business: how much life insurance? (Professional Resources). Since recently being (re)married and being "40 something inage, my husband and I decided it was time to discuss our overallfinancial plan. Having grown children, teenage children and agingparents, we were led down many different paths for our obtainablefinancial plan; however, we kept returning to the same question: Howmuch life insurance do we really need? "It was like going to thepharmacy pharmacy,art of compounding and dispensing drugs and medication. The term is also applied to an establishment used for such purposes. Until modern times medication was prepared and dispensed by the physician himself. In the 18th cent. before you've you've?Contraction of you'veyou haveyou'vehave figured out what your disease is,"according to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. Bruce Bruce,Scottish royal family descended from an 11th-century Norman duke, Robert de Brus. He aided William I in his conquest of England (1066) and was given lands in England. Bare, Jr., the past president of the Society ofFinancial Service Professionals. You also may have had a life-changingevent, but as a busy music professional, you may not have time to reviewa financial plan, let alone different types of life insurance coverage.Even if you have not had a life-changing event, most people do notrecognize how much life insurance fits into their overall financial planor how their life insurance needs change throughout the various stagesof life.Most people only think of life insurance after experiencing theloss of a loved one. Of course, it is less emotional to discuss lifeinsurance at another time, and that is why it's it's?1. Contraction of it is.2. Contraction of it has. See Usage Note at'sit is or it hasit'sbe ~have so important todiscuss this information with someone who truly is experienced in thisarea. Education is a major key in this process, and comparing coverage,as well as price, is very important. No one likes to discuss this issueat anytime in their life, but to bring peace of mind to your family, nowmay be the best time for a discussion.Another component of the overall financial plan is the Long TermCare placement for aging parents or even yourself. On average, womenlive longer than men, so they're they're?Contraction of they are.they'rebe more likely to require thisservice, and many women make up more than two-thirds of those whoprovide this type of care. "Care-giving has the potential to becomea glass ceiling for women," says Phyllis Shelton, who wrote LongTerm Care Planning Guide (Shelton Marketing Services). The Long TermCare Insurance policy is one way families can protect themselves andaging family members from financial and emotional stress.Most experts recommend you review a Long Term Care Policy betweenthe ages of 55 and 60. However, you should consider your family historywhen making this decision. When shopping for a Long Term Care plan,there are lots of variables to consider; including the benefit period,daily benefit, elimination period Elimination PeriodThe length of time between when an injury or illness begins and receiving benefit payments from an insurer. Also known as the "waiting" or "qualifying" period, policyholders must in the interim pay for these services and can be thought of as a deductible. , inflation riders and benefittriggers. Make certain you are covered for home care, and check thepolicy daily maximum for this care. New benefits and coverage allowancesmay be available in the forty-plus years, so make sure you have theflexibility to purchase them. We never like to think about what canhappen in old age, but it's easier to plan when you are young andhealthy.Just like selecting the right instrument or perfect music, thefinancial plan will have to be tailored to suit the individual. As theexclusive MTNA-endorsed agency, the Clarkson Insurance Agency offersthese insurance products specifically designed for music professionalsthrough the nation's top-ranked carriers including Employers ModernLife, GE Capital, Banner Life, First Colony Life, Jefferson-Pilot Lifeand many others. With thirty-plus years in the insurance arena, theClarkson Agency's experienced team is ready to work for you toprovide MTNA MTNA Music Teachers National AssociationMTNA Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (McMinnville, Tennessee)members with the best coverage available. As always, thisis a free service for MTNA members, and we welcome the opportunity toprovide this valuable service to you. To request either a life orlong-term care long-term care (LTC),n the provision of medical, social, and personal care services on a recurring or continuing basis to persons with chronic physical or mental disorders. insurance quote, contact an agent at (800) 338-7148 or bye-mail at important form of protection you may not be aware of is theprofessional and/or general liability coverage offered to MTNA members.Do not put yourself at risk by assuming you are covered by your otherinsurance plans. You can locate information on the liability protectionby calling our office or visiting our website at andclicking on "MTNA."What Long Term Care Can CostThis policy pays $100 daily benefit and $3,100 month of coverage. Annual Couple's Good Health BothAge Premium Discount Discount Discounts45 $750 $600 $675 $52555 $1,040 $832 $936 $72865 $4,970 $1,576 $1,773 $1,379This policy pays $130 daily benefit and $4,030 month of coverage.45 $975 $780 $877 $68255 $1,352 $1,081 $1,216 $94665 $2,561 $2,048 $2,304 $1,792Individuals receive six years of benefit payments, inflation protectionof 5% increases per year and 100-day elimination period.Premiums rounded for illustration purposes.Data: GE Capital AssuranceTammy Wallace Wal��lace, Alfred Russel 1823-1913.British naturalist who developed a concept of evolution that paralleled the work of Charles Darwin. Robert H. Clarkson Financial Services The examples and perspective in this article or section may not represent a worldwide view of the subject.Please [ improve this article] or discuss the issue on the talk page. , Inc.Louisville, Kentucky “Louisville” redirects here. For other uses, see Louisville (disambiguation).

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