Monday, September 26, 2011
Jews Veering Towards A Fortress Israel?
Jews Veering Towards A Fortress Israel? APS sources are convinced that Israelis of all political leaningsare gradually coming to the conclusion that a disengagement disengagement/dis��en��gage��ment/ (dis?en-gaj��ment) emergence of the fetus from the vaginal canal. dis��en��gage��mentn. from theArab World “Arab States” redirects here. For the political alliance, see Arab League.The Arab World (Arabic: العالم العربي; Transliteration: al-`alam al-`arabi) stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the is the only way to achieve peace and security. It is seen asmarking the emergence of a "Fortress Israel" mentality amongthe Jews. According to according toprep.1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians.2. In keeping with: according to instructions.3. the sources, the impact of this mindset mind��setor mind-setn.1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.2. An inclination or a habit. willbecome evident in 2001 and will gather pace thereafter. In a basicsense, this reflects the deep disillusionment DisillusionmentAdams, Nickloses innocence through WWI experience. [Am. Lit.: “The Killers”]Angry Young Mendisillusioned postwar writers of Britain, such as Osborne and Amis. [Br. Lit. felt by the Israelis aboutthe prospects of any "real peace" with the Arabs. The sources say that most are convinced, especially after thelatest unrest, that no "land for peace" arrangement willensure durable security. They add that it reflects two basicrealisations among Israeli doves and hawks. The doves feel that theycannot get the peace they want, even if they are prepared to give allthe land the Palestinians are demanding (i.e. including sovereignty overEast Jerusalem East Jerusalem refers to the part of Jerusalem captured by Jordan in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, and subsequently by Israel in the 1967 Six-Day War. It includes Jerusalem's Old City and some of the holiest sites of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, such as the Temple Mount, Western ). The hawks now recognise that they cannot keep thePalestinians down forever through military force and that some kind ofsolution that gives at least minimum land for maximum peace isinevitable. These realisations among the doves and hawks of Israel carry twodeeper implications. The first implication is that the doves have givenup, or at least are in the process of giving up, their dream ofintegrating as equal and accepted partners with the Arab countries andIran, of comprehensive economic co-operation, of energyinter-dependence, etc. in the short- to medium term. The secondimplication is that the hawks no longer really adhere to adhere toverb 1. follow, keep, maintain, respect, observe, be true, fulfil, obey, heed, keep to, abide by, be loyal, mind, be constant, be faithful2. the notion of"Greater Israel Greater Israel (also Complete Land of Israel, Hebrew: ארץ ישראל השלמה, Eretz Yisrael Hashlemah[1][2] " (Eretz Israel), which includes both the GazaStrip Gaza Strip(gäz`ə), (2003 est. pop. 1,330,000) rectangular coastal area, c.140 sq mi (370 sq km), SW Asia, on the Mediterranean Sea adjoining Egypt and Israel, in what was formerly SW Palestine. and the West Bank with the latter referred to as Judea and Samariarespectively. The abandonment of the Eretz Israel notion is stillimplicit, but it channels right-wing views towards the Fortress Israelconcept. In practice, the disengagement and creation of a Fortress Israelwould have to be unilateral and perhaps partly forceful. This is becausea negotiated peaceful disengagement does not appear to be very likely inthe current circumstances. Elements of a unilateral disengagement can beexpected to be put in place beginning from the coming months, and wouldinvolve among other things (a) the erection of a physical barrierbetween the Israelis and the Palestinians along the 1967 ceasefire linebetween Israel and the West Bank, a barrier of the kind that existsbetween Israel and Jordan, and (b) the gradual downsizing (1) Converting mainframe and mini-based systems to client/server LANs.(2) To reduce equipment and associated costs by switching to a less-expensive system. (jargon) downsizing of thePalestinian labour force that enters Israel every day to work. As things stand at present, Israel would have to determine thelocation of the physical barrier unilaterally. Already, the Israeliauthorities have stepped up efforts to build a fortified fortified (fôrt´fīd),adj containing additives more potent than the principal ingredient. electronicfence along the line dividing Israel and the West Bank. Premier Barakhas ordered the allocation of nearly $25m for the project, which isunder way. The 70 km long fence will constitute only a security barrier,i.e. to keep out suicide bombers and to funnel all movement of goodsthrough legal checkpoints. The alarmed fence is intended to run alongthe June 1967 ceasefire line. The unilateral disengagement idea, which the Palestinian sidedenounces as a form of apartheid, arises from Israel's deepestfears of being overwhelmed by the Arabs. Israelis feel that such abarrier to seal themselves off from the Arabs would protect them frombombers, on the one hand, while on the other it will not burden themwith the moral and financial responsibility for the welfare of thePalestinians (i.e. through providing jobs, etc.). It is another matterthat they would have to import labour from elsewhere to remain globallycompetitive, for example, in agricultural products. Israelis fear thatwithout such a border, there would be a creeping return of Palestiniansthat could ultimately change the demographic and political balance inthe country. This fear also hides deep concerns about the Arab-Israeliminority already living in Israel.
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