Tuesday, September 27, 2011
A. solidly-written Tautonyms.
A. solidly-written Tautonyms. (In this list, strict alphabetical order is sometimes ignored inorder to permit uninflected forms to appear before their inflectedvariants. The asterisked words were all previously noted in JeffGrant's Nov. 2008 Word Ways article, "AccidentalTautonyms.") ablesables addlesaddles addlersaddlers alesales amplesamples ankleranlder aperaper arksarks augersaugers aursaurs azorazor cabscabs cadscads Calderscalders camscams carnpscamps camperscampers canscans* cannerscanners capeseapes* Carscars carescares carerscarers carpscarps Catherscathers centscents centerscenters coldscolds conescones coopscoops* cooperscoopers copescopes coperscopers eopingscopings corescores corerscorers comerscomers Cotscots COWSCOWS cowlscowls cragscrags crapescrapes crapscraps crapperscrappers crawlerscrawlers crawlingscrawlings creakscreaks creakingscreakings creamingscreamings creedscreeds crewscrews* crimperscrimpers Cubascubas cuffscuffs* cufferscuffers cuffingscuftings cuttlerscuttlers deedee* eatseats eaterseaters eatingseatings eclipseclips ectorector edgesedges educerseducers electionselections electorselectors Euroneuron ewersewers extradextrad* hackleshackles hackshacks* hackershackers hadshads haftshafts haftershafters hagshags* hakeshakes hammershammers hamshams hameshames hardshards haringsharings harpsharps harpersharpers havenshavens hayshays hearershearers heathersheathers heathsheaths heaversheavers hellershellers hellshells hemichemic herdsherds hillshills hipships* hippershippers hittershitters hiveshives hockshocks hockershockers hoeshoes holesholes hootshoots hootershooters hootingshootings hopshops* hoppershoppers homshoms hovelshovels huntshunts huntershunters huntingshuntings hushershushers hushingshushings icklesickles idlingsidlings ilksilks impsimps Indowindow inksinks inkersinkers insins innersirmers inningsinnings intersinters* kidskids* kidderskidders killskills* killingskillings ldnskins kipperskippers labslabs lackslacks* laggerslaggers Lakerslakers lammerslammers lammingslammings lapperslappers lappingslappings lasherslashers lashingslashings lateslates laterslaters latherslathers lathererslatherers latterslatters laughterslaughters laverslavers lavingslavings layerslayers ledsleds ledgesledges ledgersledgers lickslicks lickerslickers lickingslickings lightslights lighterslighters lightingslightings limeslimes* limerslimers lipperslippers lipslips* litslits litterslitters liverslivers lobslobs lobberslobbers logslogs loggingsloggings loopsloops loppersloppers lothsloths loughsloughs lowerslowers lowingslowings lowdownslowdowns lugslugs luggersluggers luggingsluggings lumberslumbers lumperslumpers martsmarts mattersmatters meltersmelters meltingsmeltings milesmiles mitersmiters mocksmocks mockersmockers motherersmotherers moochersmoochers muggersmuggers nagsnags naggersnaggers naggingsnaggings nailsnails napsnaps nappersnappers nappingsnappings narksnarks nicksnicks nickersnickers nippersnippers nippingsnippings nitsnits nobsnobs nonanona* nooksnooks notsnots nubsnubs nubbingsnubbings oddersodders oftsofts oilsoils oilersoilers oilingsoilings oresorcs otorotor ottersotters pacespaces pacerspacers pacingspacings panspans* pannerspanners parersparers paringsparings parksparks parkersparkers parkingsparkings patespates pattererspatterers pawnspawns pawnerspawners pawningspawnings payerspayers pearspears peckspecks peckerspeckers peepee peculatorspeculators pendingspendings pewspews picespices pikespikes pikerspikers pilespiles pillspills pinspins pinnerspinners pinespines pitspits plattersplatters playersplayers poonspoons poorspoors porespores portsports* portersporters potspots* potterspotters pottingspottings poutingspoutings pratsprats prayersprayers prayingsprayings prigsprigs printsprints* printingsprintings punkspunks puttersputters putteringsputterings quadsquads quidsquids quintsquints quiresquires quirtsquirts quirtersquirters reprep* retterette* tabstabs tabberstabbers tablestables tablerstablers tabletable* tackstacks tackerstackers taggerstaggers takeoutstakeouts takerstakers talkstalks talkerstalkers talkingstalkings tallstalls tampstamps tartstarts teamsteams teedsteeds temstems ticksticks* tickerstickers tickingstickings ticklersticklers tiffstiffs tillerstillers tillingstillings tiltstilts tinkerstinkers tinterstinters tintingstintings tipplerstipplers tonestones* tonerstoners toolstools topperstoppers toppingstoppings towerstowers towingstowings trainstrains trainerstrainers trainings/rainings trapstraps trapperstrappers trappingstrappings trikestrikes* trikerstrikers trikingstrikings tripestripes tripperstrippers trollstrolls trumpetstrumpets tubstubs tuffstuffs* turnblestumbles tumblerstumblers ubicubic umpsumps undersunders* uppersuppers* urgesurges urgingsurgings waddlerswaddlers wainswains wallowswallows wallowerswallowers wallowingswallowings wanswans warmswarms washingswashings watcherswatchers wearerswearers wearingswearings weepersweepers weepingsweepings willingswillings wingswings* wingerswingers wipeswipes wiperswipers wipingswipings wisherswishers witcherswitchers witchingswitchings woonswoons wordswords* wordersworders woundswounds B. Hyphenated Tautonyms abbe-dabbed age-rager aide-raider ain't-saints almoner-salmoners Angle-dangled co-decode ducat-educate eigne-deigned eigne-reigner erne-demed ice-diced Ouse-doused Ouse-rouser owl-yowly pa-spas pier-spiers Pepsi-apepsia raft-ingrafting rain-ingraining Ross-ingrossing scape-escapee scurriers-currier slavers-laver slobbers-lobber squirters-quirter strollers-troller taxi-ataxia then-Athena uke-duked Ulf-ingulfing ur-church C. Tautonymic Phrases Tautonymic phrases, which are nearly always "accidental"in nature, are a fascinating tribe. In the sampling of this engaginggenre that follows, the sample is divided into four categories: generalphrases, anthroponomic phrases, affix-enabled phrases, and shorttautonymic sentences. 1. General Phrases ace racer ampler samplers a lay, a la Malayalam a star dastard bay abaya caring scarings cat scats chilling schillings colder scolders coot scoots cute scutes dappled apple dewed ewe diced ice dim, aged image drilled rille rille(rĭl): see moon. edited it educing seducings elude deluded enate e��nate?adj.1. Growing outward.2. also e��nat��ic Related on the mother's side.n.A relative on one's mother's side. senates ever severs gauntleting aunt let in hearing shearings hooting "Shootings!" Iberian Siberians icily Sicily's idle sidles i.e., died ill sills insect-sin sects inverse sin-verses irenic i��ren��ic? also i��ren��i��caladj.Promoting peace; conciliatory.[Greek eir sirenics lake slakes lapel ape limps in, glimpsing lither slithers liver slivers low-down slowdowns lusher slushers mash-up smashups milk-warm ilk-war nob snobs often softens oft-good softgoods older solders OPEC OPEC:see Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. OPECin full Organization of the Petroleum Exporting CountriesMultinational organization established in 1960 to coordinate the petroleum production and export policies of its kopeck Our sours Ouse souses palling spallings peck specks pending spendings pie spies pindling spindlings pink spinks pit-fire spitfires Pope epopee pout spouts "Putterer!" sputterers putter sputters quint squints rawer awe Sarawak's Arawak Saudi's Audi sauger's auger Saxon's axon scabs' cab scamps' camp scants cant Scars car scents cent SCOITIS corn scorners' comer Scot quean's cotquea scraps crap scrawls "Crawl!" screams "Cream!" screed's creed scrimper's crimper scuffs cuff scuffer's tufter sears ear sedges' edge sedition's edition seducer's educer selector's elector electorGerman Kurfürst.Prince of the Holy Roman Empire who had a right to participate in electing the German emperor. Beginning c. 1273, and with the confirmation of the Golden Bull, there were seven electors: the archbishops of Trier, Mainz, sender's ender sending's ending sentry's entry shad's had shakes hake shankers hanker shard's hard shares hare shatters hatter shingle's hingle shows how shuns Hun shusher's husher shuts hut Siberia's Iberia a sinning's inning sire's ire skidder's kidder skink's kink skins kin skipper's kipper skirtless kirtles slammer's lammer slasher's lasher slathers lather slaughters laughter sledger's ledger slices lice slitter's litter slob's lob sloth's loth loth?adj.Variant of loath.lothAdjectivesame as loathAdj. 1. loth slowpoke's low poke slugs lug slugger's lugger smelter's melter smites mite smiter's miter smockers' mocker smotherer's motherer snags nag snook's nook soaks oak sodium's odium Spain's pain spanner's panner spatters' patter spears pear spikes pike spoke's poke spontoons' pontoon spore's pore sprat's prat sprinter's printer squad's quad squid's quid squill's quill squire's quire quire?1?n.1. Abbr. qr. or q. A set of 24 or sometimes 25 sheets of paper of the same size and stock; one twentieth of a ream.2. squirt's quirt quirt?n.A riding whip with a short handle and a lash of braided rawhide.[Probably from American Spanish cuarta, whip, ultimately from Latin qu stag's tag staggers tagger starrer's tarrer steals teal steams team stickler's tickler stingless tingles Stones' tone straits trait stumbler's tumbler swaddler's waddler swager's wager swallow's wallow swayback's way back swell's well swilling's willing swine's wine swordplay's wordplay tabling stablings tale stales taller stallers tarter starters tick sticks toning stonings took stooks tray strays tripling striplings tun stuns tutter stutters Tyrian Styrians uluant Sulu ants unburst sunbursts unset un��set?adj.1. Not yet firm or solidified: unset gelatin; unset cement.2. Not mounted in a setting: an unset gem.sunsets wagger swaggers warmer swarmers wee tweet yeasty yeast��y?adj. yeast��i��er, yeast��i��est1. Of, similar to, or containing yeast: yeasty dough.2. East 2. Anthroponomic Phrases A gift to wordplay from lexicographers is the useful wordanthroponomy, "a branch of onomastics that consists of the study ofpersonal names." Short anthroponomic tautonymic phrases tend to beeither characterizers ("doled Ole") or possession-noters("Diana's Indiana sin"): gaming Amin gelding Eldin hardish Ardis Sally's ally sap Ron's apron Sargent's argent Saxe's axe Schiller's chiller hartish Artis hellish Ellis hennish Ennis Shakespear's* hake-spear Shaw's "Haw haw,common name for several plants, e.g., the hawthorn and the black haw (see honeysuckle). !" Sheppard's heppard lamed Alameda randier Andie rangier Angie Sid's id silly Ria's Illyria Skip's kip Sloan's loan rasher Ashe readier Eadie ringer Inge smart Ian's Martian Speke's peke Spike's pike Spence's pence Rio-diner Iodine rover Ove Smyma's Myma Spook's pock pock(pok) a pustule, especially of smallpox. pockn.1. The characteristic pustular cutaneous lesion of smallpox.2. A pockmark. Stan's tan Stanfield's tan field Swen's wen * One of several known spellings of his name 3. Affix-Enabled Phrases "Hi! I'm Mick in Gimmicking here at the G's-R-UsEmporium, and I'd like to invite you to bring the missus and comeon down to G's-R-Us and meet me and some of our other friendlystaff, such as ... Arden in Gardening, Inger in Gingering, her kin inGherkining, Ladd in Gladding, Nash in Gnashing, old Smith inGoldsmithing, Oral in Goraling (mind the gorals, they're testy),Raft in Grafting, Ray in Graying, Rip in Griping, "String" inG-Stringing and many more, including (if you're the dilatory Tending to cause a delay in judicial proceedings.Dilatory tactics are methods by which the rules of procedure are used by a party to a lawsuit in an abusive manner to delay the progress of the proceedings. type)our congenial collections gum, Unsel in Gunseling! "And just between us, while you're on the premises, youreally ought to take a peek at the ... ash in Gashing, asp in Gasping,ass in Gassing, "ear" shift in Gearshifting, host in Ghosting,lass in Glassing, lobal fish in Global Fishing, lory lory:see parrot. in Glorying, lossin Glossing, offer in Goffering, old brick in Goldbricking, rat inGrating, rout in Grouting, "rifling" room in Griffin-Grooming,rift in Grifting, rump in Grumping, runt The frame that remains after a collision on a CSMA/CD medium such as Ethernet. Runts are undersize packets, smaller than what the network protocol calls for, such as 64 bytes in Ethernet. Electrical interference or faulty wiring can also produce a runt. in Grunting, umbo umbo/um��bo/ (um��bo) pl. umbo��nes ? [L.]1. a rounded elevation.2. the slight projection at the center of the outer surface of the tympanic membrane.um��bon. in Gumboingand--the rest of our merchandise always looks a lot better afteryou've seen it--utter slop in Gutter-Sloping! "And if you've brought the kids along, why, there' splenty here to keeep them entertained! If nothing else, they can...leanin Gleaning, low in Glowing, listen in Glistening glis��ten?intr.v. glis��tened, glis��ten��ing, glis��tensTo shine by reflection with a sparkling luster. See Synonyms at flash.n.A sparkling, lustrous shine. for a slight inGaslighting, litter in Glittering, loom in Glooming, lower in Glowering,rant in Granting, rap Nel in Grapneling, rasp in Grasping, row inGrowing, ravel in Gravel--" [Click!] Notice, in the foregoing, the profusion of --ing suffixes; --ing,like a number of other affixes, can be exploited to generate an entirefamily of tautonymic phrases. Here are some other examples of suchaffix-enabled tautonymic phrase (and sometimes sentence) families: ad-- sad diction's addiction sad dresser's addresser sad mission's admission sad mixture's admixture sad option's adoption sad verb's adverb adverb:see part of speech; adjective. dis-- Is charge discharged? Is courage discouraged? Is gorge disgorged? Is "like" disliked? Is tribute distributed? Is Em Bodie disembodied? ex-- expert sex perts extant sextants sex-changer's exchanger sex-citation's excitation sex-poses expose sex-tract's extract --ism: Oral is moralism mor��al��ism?n.1. A conventional moral maxim or attitude.2. The act or practice of moralizing.3. Often undue concern for morality. . Ental is mentalism men��tal��ism?n.1. Parapsychological activities, such as telepathy and mind reading.2. The belief that some mental phenomena cannot be explained by physical laws. . Old, avian, isMoldavianism! A "niche" is Manicheism? --ist: At: Error is terrorist. Reason is treasonist. Hither isthitherist. Ravi sat-- he is, Travis, a theist! Both with and without a preceding apostrophe, the suffix --s seemsendlessly productive of tautonymic words, phrases and sentences; as mayhave been noticed, in fact, the great majority of the examples cited inthis article employ it. Here are some slightly longer [-s]-enabledtautograms: A do-sa-do's a dos-a-dos. "Do ... as pirates may do!" aspirates May. Hiding, izzards hid in gizzards. Lacedaemonian simps, lace daemon Ian's imps! Now goggle gog��gle?v. gog��gled, gog��gling, gog��glesv.intr.1. To stare with wide and bulging eyes.2. To roll or bulge. Used of the eyes.v.tr.To roll or bulge (the eyes). ... snowgoggles! peculation speculations "Proximate's" approximate, sap! sin-tractability's intractability Sir, rationality's irrationality! Sir, religion's irreligion ir��re��li��gion?n.Hostility or indifference to religion.Noun 1. irreligion - the quality of not being devoutirreligiousnessimpiety, impiousness - unrighteousness by virtue of lacking respect for a god ! Sir, responsibility's irresponsibility! strikebreakers' trike-breaker ("Sunder stands, understand?") trike-breaking strikebreakings U.S. pension suspensions witch-back switchbacks 4. Short Tautonymic Sentences One might define "short" tautonymic sentences as thosethat consist of a single parent word or phrase plus one or more smallerwords that were dissected from it, with nothing more added. Add in gadding. Allie dallied. Amble amblea slower, non-racing version of pace gait in horses.broken amblehas many characteristics of the amble but there are four beats to the gait with each foot contacting the ground independently. Called also single-foot. , rambler! Andy is handyish ... Angles sang less? Anita's amanita Amanita(ăm'ənī`tə): see mushroom. amanitaAny mushroom of the genus Amanita, containing about 100 species, some of which are poisonous to humans. , Sam! Ankles sank less. "Annotate!" Dan notated. "Antidote, Dan?" Ti doted. "Apostle rap," ostler? Apperceive ap��per��ceive?tr.v. ap��per��ceived, ap��per��ceiv��ing, ap��per��ceives1. To perceive (something) while being conscious of perceiving.2. To perceive (something) in terms of past experience. rap, perceiver! Apt, O raptor! Ashe dashed. Carve scarves? Dante "loped," antelope? Den raged, enrage en��rage?tr.v. en��raged, en��rag��ing, en��rag��esTo put into a rage; infuriate.[Middle English *enragen, from Old French enrager : en-, causative pref. . Den silaged ensilage ensilage:see silage. . Di eddied. Diluted, I lute. Diseased is ease. Dispraised is praise. Eat heath! Educe e��duce?tr.v. e��duced, e��duc��ing, e��duc��es1. To draw or bring out; elicit. See Synonyms at evoke.2. To assume or work out from given facts; deduce. , reducer! Egress, O regressor! Eject, O rejector! Elapse, relapser! Evolve, revolver! Evulse, revulser! Hammer shammers! Hank shanks. Hark--sharks! Have shaves. Heave sheaves. Herein, she reins. Hi, Ohio! Hough thought. Humph humph?interj.Used to express doubt, displeasure, or contempt.humphinterjan exclamation of annoyance or scepticism , ump! I am Siam's! Ignore "signores." Incur sin, curs! Ireland, sir--elands? Isabelle is a belle! Is Grace disgraced? Is Honore dishonored? I've dived. Kate skates? Laps elapse. Lass, work in glassworking. Lumber slumbers. Nip, pet, snippets. No piano, Pia? Obscure, Rob's curer ... Ob sobs! Opinion so pinions! Oregano, Regan? "Overcharge!" Dover charged Oviedo vied. O, we're dowered?. Palls appall, sap! Parents apparent, sap? Peals appeal, sap! Pears "appear," sap? Portions apportion, sap! Poses appose apposeMedtalk verbTo contact, juxtapose , sap! Praises appraise, sap! Prizes apprize, sap! Probate approbate, sap! Remit, eremite er��e��mite?n.A recluse or hermit, especially a religious recluse.[Middle English, from Late Latin er ! Rob later, oblate! Rout rager outrage! Sad Aden's a den. "Sad"--age's adage? Saddling's addling. Sad duces adduce To present, offer, bring forward, or introduce.For example, a bill of particulars that lists each of the plaintiff's demands may recite that it contains all the evidence to be adduced at trial. . Sad judges adjudge To determine by a judge; to pass on and decide judicially.A person adjudged guilty is one who has been convicted in court. . Sad ministers administer. Sad verse's adverse. Satire's afire! Sages age. Sailing's ailing. Sap aches, Apache! Sap an age's apanage ap��a��nage?n.Variant of appanage.Noun 1. apanage - any customary and rightful perquisite appropriate to your station in life; "for thousands of years the chair was an appanage of state and dignity rather than an article ! Saturn's a turn. Scarsdale's cars, Dale? Scurvy's curvy. Seven's even? Sex acts exact. Sexists exist. Sex or cists, exorcist? Sheldon's held on. Sherman's her man! Sherwood's "her" wood? She's he? Shipmates Shipmates was an American syndicated television show that ran for two seasons from 2001 - 2003.Reruns later ran on the cable channel Spike TV. The show was created by Hurricane Entertainment and the executive producer was John Tomlin. Chris Hardwick was the host. hip, mate? Shovers hover. Shun Gary's Hungary. Sin-flames inflame. Sin-snares insnare. Sin's in! Sinter cessors, intercessor! Sinter lopers, interloper! Sir, Ma's "Irma." Slacking's lacking? Slagging's lagging. Slingers linger. Slogans, Logan? Smelts melt? Smews mew? Smolts molt? Snicks nick! Snowdrifts now drift. So dense's Odense! So lives Olive. Sonya's on ya! Spatterdocks patter dock. Spotters potter. Staking's taking. Stalks talk? Stampers tamper. Strumpets trumpet. Tingles sting less. Tinkles stink less. Unedible dun Ed I ... bled. Us, hush? "Val" is medievalism me��di��e��val��ismalso me��di��ae��val��ism ?n.1. The spirit or the body of beliefs, customs, or practices of the Middle Ages.2. Devotion to or acceptance of the ideas of the Middle Ages.3. , Edie! Yearly, earl.
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