Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Jaguars, Mermaids, and More: The Masks of Mexico.

Jaguars, Mermaids, and More: The Masks of Mexico. JAGUARS, MERMAIDS, AND MORE: The Masks of Mexico. DVD/25 min./$39.95. Level: Grade 5 through Adult. Crizmac Art and Cultural Ed.Materials. Masks are an integral part of many cultures throughout the world.Nowhere is that more obvious than in the various regions of Mexico.Jaguars, Mermaids, and More is a very well-made film depicting the storyof masks and mask-making in Mexico. In a brief 20 minutes, the film doesa wonderful job of explaining the meaning and use of masks incelebrations and dances throughout the different states of Mexico. As the presentation places masks in a historical context throughnarration, it also features the mask-making skills of the Hortabrothers. The brothers are seen both carving and painting the masks theyhave become famous for crafting. They make their masks for use both inlocal dances and for collectors to purchase. Not limiting the presentation to carved carve?v. carved, carv��ing, carvesv.tr.1. a. To divide into pieces by cutting; slice: carved a roast.b. masks, in a very timelychapter, the modern-day phenomenon of Lucha Libre Lucha Libre (which translates literally as Free Wrestling or Free Fighting) is a term used in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking areas to refer to all forms of professional wrestling. , the Mexican maskedwrestlers See list of amateur wrestlers list of professional wrestlers list of independent circuit, non-affiliated or retired professional wrestlers and , is explained and shown to viewers. Relying on a somewhat wordy narration, this documentary is bestsuited for middle-school or older-aged students, and fits perfectly intoany curriculum areas that involve Mexico, three-dimensional art or masksas a point of discussion. This DVD DVD:see digital versatile disc. DVDin full digital video disc or digital versatile discType of optical disc. The DVD represents the second generation of compact-disc (CD) technology. comes with a written teacher's guide that includesobjectives, a summary and discussion questions, among other topics. Inaddition, there is bonus material that features an interview with thecurators of a mask exhibit at the Arizona State Museum.--P.H. www.crizmac.com | circle # 397

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