Thursday, September 29, 2011

Iowa districts sue state. (

Iowa districts sue state. ( A group of 160 Iowa school districts have filed a lawsuit lawsuit:see procedure; tort. againstthe state, claiming the current education funding structurediscriminates against rural districts and favors districts in biggercities. The group, the Common Cents Coalition, is upset because fundingfor education is based, in part, on local sales taxes sales tax,levy on the sale of goods or services, generally calculated as a percentage of the selling price, and sometimes called a purchase tax. It is usually collected in the form of an extra charge by the retailer, who remits the tax to the government. . Administrators inthe 160 districts want the state to adopt a sales tax. The coalitionfurther wants one cent on each dollar's worth of state sales tax tobe allocated for education spending. The suit was filed after the IowaHouse of Representatives The Iowa House of Representatives is the lower house of the Iowa General Assembly. There are 100 members of the House of Representatives, respresenting 100 single-member districts across the state with populations of approximately 29,750. failed to pass a state sales tax earlier thisyear.

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