Thursday, October 6, 2011

I Wonder Why Baby Animals.

I Wonder Why Baby Animals. I Wonder Why Baby Animals Hannah Wilson and Nicki Palin Kingfisher Books c/o Macmillan 33 Irving Place, New York, NY 10003 9780753462201, $7.99 I Wonder Why Baby Animals is a simple children's picturebookfilled with endearing, realistic color illustrations and amazing factsabout baby animals in the wild. A "Flip the Flaps" book, IWonder Why Baby Animals features questions such as "Why does atiger lick her baby?" on the flap and "A tiger licks her babyto clean its fur. A baby tiger is called a cub," under the flap. Itshould be noted that the "flaps" in I Wonder Why Baby Animalsare actually pages that are half the size of a normal page (withillustrations that blend into the larger two-page spread), and fullybound to the book's spine. The result is a thoroughly durable flapbook that, unlike most other flap books, is completely suitable for therigorous wear and tear of a children's public library collection!Highly recommended.

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