Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hommes et bisons du Paleolithique moyen a Mauran (Haute-Garonne). XXXe supplement a Gallia Prehistoire.

Hommes et bisons du Paleolithique moyen a Mauran (Haute-Garonne). XXXe supplement a Gallia Prehistoire. A fine publication with good coloured plans presents a Mousterianopen-air site and bison drive at Mauran, southern France (C. FARIZY, F.DAVID David, in the BibleDavid,d. c.970 B.C., king of ancient Israel (c.1010–970 B.C.), successor of Saul. The Book of First Samuel introduces him as the youngest of eight sons who is anointed king by Samuel to replace Saul, who had been deemed a failure. , J. JAUBERT, V. EISENMANN, M. GIRARD, R. GRUN, V. KRIER, J.LECLERC, J.-C. MISKOVSKY & R. SIMONNET. Hommes et bisons duPaleolithique moyen a Mauran (Haute-Garonne). XXXe supplement a'Gallia Prehistoire'. 267 pages, 129 figures, 34 tables. 1994.Paris: CNRS CNRS Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research, France)CNRS Centro Nacional de Referencia Para El Sida (Argentinean National Reference Center for Aids); ISBN ISBNabbr.International Standard Book NumberISBNInternational Standard Book NumberISBNn abbr (= International Standard Book Number) → ISBN m2-271-05070-7 paperback FF 420.). The small excavatedsample suggests that the remains of some 4000 beasts may be contained inthe entire deposit, although it is argued that this slaughter actuallyrepresents quite a modest intake when scaled against group size andduration of usage.Further smart publications:LUC BARAY, SYLVIE DEFFRESSIGNE, CHANTAL LEROYER & ISABELLEVILLEMEUR. Necropoles protohistoriques du Senonais. (Documents d'Archeologie Francaise 44.) 230 pages, 175 figures. 1994. Paris: Editionsde la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme; ISBN 2-7351-0502-4 paperback200FF.JOSE MARIA BLAZQUEZ, JOSE REMESAL & EMILIO RODRIGUEZ (ed.).Excavaciones arqueologicas en El Monte Testaccio (Roma): memoria Campana1989. (Excavaciones Internacionales.) 220 pages, 90 plates. 1994.Madrid: Instituto de Conservacion y Restauracion de Bienes Culturales;ISBN 84-8181-006-1 paperback.ROLAND J.C. SMITH. Excavations at County Hall Dorchester, Dorset,1988 in the north-west quarter of Durnovaria. (Wessex Archaeology Report4.) x+105 pages, 14 figures, 3 plates, 32 tables, microfiche. 1993.Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology; ISBN 1-874350-08-6 paperback [pounds]15.ERIK POULSEN. Asine II. Results of the excavations east if theAcropolis acropolis(əkrŏp`əlĭs)[Gr.,=high point of the city], elevated, fortified section of various ancient Greek cities.TheAcropolis of Athens, a hill c.260 ft (80 m) high, with a flat oval top c. . Fasc. 6: The Post-Geometric periods. Part 2: ThePost-Geometric settlement material and tombs of the Hellenistic Period.(Skrifter Utgivna an Svenska Institutet i Athen 4, XXIV:6:2.) 52 pages,5 plates, 41 figures. 1994. Stockholm: Paul Astroms; ISBN 91-7916-028-Xpaperback SEK SEKIn currencies, this is the abbreviation for the Swedish Krona.Notes:The currency market, also known as the Foreign Exchange market, is the largest financial market in the world, with a daily average volume of over US $1 trillion. 150.Not of the field but high over it in the landscape of Crete, in aballoon named Daidalos:J. WILSON MYERS, ELEANOR EMLEN MYERS & GERALD CADOGAN (ed.). Theaerial atlas of ancient Crete. xx+318 pages, 251 illustrations. 1992.London: Thames & Hudson; ISBN 0-500-05066-X hardback [pounds]48.

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